How to install Ubuntu themes

Before we begin with the list, it’s important to understand how themes work on Ubuntu. For instance, changing the theme in Ubuntu changes 3 things.

Icons – File Explorer icons, Launcher icons, etc GTK – Looks of an application window Shell – Top bar, desktop notifications, activity overview, etc.

There are 3 basic ways to install a theme. You can either install it via the terminal or as a deb package. Additionally, few themes are available as archive files. You can download the archive files and transfer the icons and themes to “~/.icons” and “~/.themes” directory respectively. To completely apply a theme on your desktop, you have to change the 3 following options in GNOME tweaks.

Read: How to Share Screen And Media on Ubuntu

1. Arc Theme

Arc Theme is the most popular theme for Ubuntu. It provides 3 different looks – Arc, Arc-Darker, Arc-Dark. I really liked the Arc-Darker theme which is a mix and match of the dark and light theme. Arc-Dark isn’t exactly black but a darker shade of Navy Blue. It doesn’t work well on the GNOME shell and leaves the calendar in a white patch. Additionally, you don’t get an icon pack with it, so you would have to rely on third-party icon packs. If you are someone who prefers the light theme instead of dark, Arc Theme is a good option. Installation Command:

2. Pop

I recently moved back to Ubuntu from PopOS and I carried back the theme with me. The icons, shell, wallpapers are too good to leave. You can download the wallpapers from this link. I prefer the PopOS dark mode over Yaru and the shell is much refined. For instance, the notifications stacked up have much more padding between them. Unlike Arc, the Pop theme is continuously updated due to the PopOS. Installation Command:

3. WhiteSur GTK Theme

WhiteSur, as the name suggests, is based on the recently launched macOS Big Sur white theme. It turns your applications, shell, top panel, and dock to the macOS Big Sur look. But, in order to achieve the identical macOS Big Sur look, you will have to complement the theme with a GNOME extension called Dash to Dock and WhiteSur Icon Theme. Installation Command:

Read: Best Icon Pack That Work With Ubuntu 20.04

4. Materia

Materia is another popular theme for Ubuntu. I liked the Materia-dark-compact theme which makes the Windows Titlebars pretty concise. Another small nuance is the ripple effect. In Materia, if you click on a button or an option, it gives a subtle ripple effect on the selected area. Installation Command:

5. Vimix

Vimix Theme is based on the popular Materia theme. You would have to download both the archive files for the Vimix theme and the Vimix icon pack. Next, you just have to extract and run the “” script file in the terminal. Vimix, unlike other themes, provides a huge number of options. You have approximately 15+ themes ranging from teal to ruby, beryl, etc. I liked the nuances in the Vimix theme. For instance, when you hover past the dropdown menus, there’s a shadow trail giving you the feel of motion blur. I did like that! Download Vimix Theme & Vimix Icon Pack

6. Ant

Ant is a plain flat theme for Ubuntu 20.04. In case you are more into the light theme, Ant is a fantastic theme to go by. Ant only supports GTK and GNOME shell. Hence, you might have to go with a third-party icon pack. I loved the blood accent on the white theme. Download Ant

7. Sweet

Sweet is the fanciest theme in this list. Rock with it with an icon pack like Candy or Luv and you would have a colorful desktop to look at. I loved the neon-pink accent to the Sweet dark theme. Apart from that, you get a Sweet (light) and Sweet Mars theme. Similar to McMojave, you would have to download and move the extracted archive to the “~/.themes” directory. Download Sweet

8. Cloudy

Cloudy is a good GTK theme sitting right in between the light and dark themes. It has 8 different variants that provide a combination of dark, light theme with blue and brown accents. I like that it draws a line between the icons and file-labels to make it look like a 3-pane window. Although Cloudy does have a shell theme, it’s showing its age. It doesn’t look good with the DND and calendar on the notification shade. You’d be better of using the default Yaru shell. Installation Command:

9. Nordic

Nordic is a minimal dark theme based on the Nord color palette. You can complement it with a blue color icon theme and a white flashy background for a minimal look. Download Nordic Theme

10. Layan

Layan is an interesting take on Ubuntu themes. It turns every sharp corner on the desktop to rounded corners. Although Layan has options for both dark and light themes, I particularly liked the light theme more. Similar to Materia, you get a ripple effect when you click on an option. Installation command:

11. Flat Remix GNOME

Flat Remix GNOME is a gorgeous looking theme with its own icon pack, GTK, GNOME shell theme, and wallpapers. You have a lot to choose from. I really liked the Flat-Remix-Miami theme. It brings a lot of subtle yet poppy colors to the shell. Another subtle change is that the theme makes the Topbar transparent. This really makes your desktop look slightly bigger. The theme also adds extra drop-shadow to the windows and dropdowns. Installation command:

12. Adapta

Adapta is another popular theme for GNOME desktops. You can directly install it from the Ubuntu store or apt repository. The theme is being regularly updated but the GNOME shell theme’s a bit wonky. Similar to Arc, it left a white patch on the calendar in the notification shade. However, you can still combine it with the default Ubuntu GNOME shell theme and it’s good to go. Installation Command:

13. Lumiere

Similar to Ant, Lumiere is a fantastic light theme. I could find a GitHub repo with a whole bunch of different themes. It also has a dark edition called Fantome. You can clone the repo and see what suits your need. The themes don’t have a shell and icon theme. So, you would be better of going with Yaru as shell and Yaru icon pack. Installation Command:

14. Orchis Theme

Orchis is a plain dark GTK theme based on Materia. It converts the dock and the top panel to a translucent bar. Download Orchis Theme

15. Yaru Colors

Yaru Colors isn’t a full-fledged desktop theme. It just adds a tinge of color to the existing Yaru theme. It provides a whole  12 different colors. Installation Command:

Closing Words

I mostly switch between the Vimix dark and the Pop Dark theme. Let me know what you use. Also Read: 7 Best Download Managers For Ubuntu