So, here’s Apple’s Self-Screening Tool for Corona Virus. Read: Official Coronavirus Live Maps and Apps to Track COVID-19

Who should take the test?

Well, everyone as the virus is spreading like a wildfire. But surely, if you’ve any of these symptoms below as given on Apple’s website.

Constant chest pain or pressure Extreme difficulty breathing Severe, constant dizziness or lightheadedness Slurred speech Difficulty waking up

Apple’s Self-Screening Tool for Corona Virus

You don’t need any extra hardware for this. It’s a simple questionnaire that mainly contains multiple options related to common factors, symptoms, exposure to risk, etc. As you keep selecting options that reflect your present condition, the app/website will show you the next question in accordance with the CDC guidelines.

In the end, as you complete the test. You’ll be able to see the suggestions and advice according to your profile. For instance, guidelines on social distancing, if self-isolation is needed or if your symptoms match a COVID-19 infected patient.

Hey, Can I ask Siri?

If you’re residing in the US, besides the app and the website, you have an option to ask Siri, as well. Simply ask, “How do I know if I have coronavirus?”. This will give you a resource list and guided material from CDC. It’ll also recommend a collection of Telehealth apps available on the App store. Remember, this is just a resource list and it’s not a replacement for medical diagnosis or advice.

Website for COVID-19 Screening Tool | Download Apple COVID-19 App

Closing Words

The questionnaire on the Apple screening tool is quite similar to the ones asked by the CDC’s chatbot. The minor difference is that the CDC’s chatbot asks more location-specific questions. Moreover, since the Apple screening tool, is hosted on the web, it is accessible to Android users as well. We also covered the Corona Virus Outbreak App available on GitHub that lets you do the same. Also Read: COVID-19 Apps to Stay Updated About the Pandemic