With introduction of mobile friendly label, in Google search results; rumor has it, that next Google update, will reword mobile friendly website. And since one’s gain is another’s loss, this also means non-mobile friendly website will lose their traffic. With than in mind, it is important to make sure your website is mobile ready or not. In order to find out if your website will survive the next Google update – here are some tools that will help you to make sure if your website is mobile friendly or not ? Take Google’s Mobile Friendly test If you are concern, on how Google see your website; than Mobile-Friendly test is quick way of telling that. Just enter your website url, and the script will tell you it’s performance in mobile platform.

  However it only tells you if your website’s particular page if mobile friendly or not. Therefore you will have to run popular pages (if not all) of your website though it. Make sure you have responsive website So what exactly is responsive website, you may ask ? Well, responsive websites are easy to read and navigate among various platforms like big screen, laptop or mobile. In simpler word, a responsive website is like water. It adjust its layout depending on the device in which it is viewed.

However not all website are responsive. If you’re using WordPress theme than you can ask your developer or use this tool to find our if your website is responsive or not. If your current theme is not responsive than start looking for another theme. Check for mobile usability issue  You can find if there is any usability issue with your website by going to webmaster tool. Under webmaster tool, select your website (if you have many) > search traffic > mobile traffic. This will highlight major mobile usability issues across your website that are detected by google crawlers. Check for user experience  The speed test tools from Google lets you check user’s experience of mobile users.

Third party web service Last but not the least, you can use online testing tools to deep analyze your website. Conclusion   If your website fails on any of the given metric than it’s time to make some changes. Start by getting a responsive theme, increasing your page loading speed, avoid flash content, reduce clutter and annoying ads on mobile platform.