Easily Share YouTube Videos with a Timestamp

For this method, we’re going to use a third party android app, called Tube Notes. It’s a very simple and handy app and comes for free. Once you download the app and it’s automatically installed, open the app from the main menu. The next step is to sign-in. You can either use your email, phone number, or the simplest way, your Google account with the app.

Now that you’ve signed in, you’ll see the app’s homepage. As I said, it’s a simple app, so you won’t have tons of icons or buttons on the home screen. You have the + sign, where you can add YouTube links and a user sign which tells you which account you’ve used to log in. The same tab has a logout option as well. There are two methods to add a timestamp to a YouTube video using the app. The first one is by tapping on the + sign at the top of the app.

In the new page, you can paste the video URL, if you have copied it already. Else, open the YouTube app and copy the link to the clipboard using the share option. Then paste it in the URL section in the app.

Let’s move onto the most intuitive part, i.e, giving it a timestamp. You can do that with the duration section,  just below where you’ve copied the URL. As you can see, you’ve hours, minutes and seconds. You can scroll these dials up and down to change the value. When you’ve set the desired time stamp you want to share your YouTube videos at tap save at the bottom. This way you’ll be able to save the video along with the time stamp as displayed within the app.

You can also tap on Share if you don’t want to save the video along with the time stamp in the app and you want to share it straight away to other apps. The third option which is the Save and Adds More saves the video and stays on the URL page so you can add more links. The second method is sharing the video to the Tube Notes app straightaway. It’s very easy and works well when you stumble upon an interesting video that you want to share with your friends instantly. For example, if you’re watching a video on YouTube, you can simply tap on the share icon and select Tube Notes from the share-to screen. That’s it, for the rest, you can follow the same way as I’ve stated before.

Adding Notes When You Share a Video

If you’ve noticed, there is another option below the URL link. Don’t get confused, this is an extremely useful feature and comes in handy when you want to talk about or add a comment when you’re sharing it with your friends and family. For example, if you’re sharing a music concert, you can add a note saying, listen closely to the guitar section, vocals, etc. If you mostly save the video before sharing, all the videos will be displayed on the app’s homepage along with the specific timestamp. So you can listen to it anytime, moreover, you have a database of videos which makes it easy to share later. Get Tube Notes

Closing Remarks

So this was the easiest way to share YouTube videos with a timestamp easily. I particularly like the notes feature which lets me add additional comments on the videos I share, so my friends could pay particular attention to a specific part of the video. I hope you enjoyed reading this and are going to use this method frequently now. Also Read How to Use YouTube Music Collaborate Playlist Feature