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How to Set-Up Handwash Reminders

1. Android

Wash Hands Wash Hands is a free, minimal app that requires no signing-up and more importantly has no ads. Once you install the app, you can set hand wash reminders straight from the very first screen. These reminders can be from 30-90 minutes. So, when the reminder buzzes, you have to wash your hands and tap on it to notify that you’ve completed the task. Based on this, the app tracks the number of times you’ve washed your hands in a day. This is the “Track My Hand Wash” feature. And in case you forget to tap on the reminder, you can manually update the same in the app. This apps is perfect for someone who doesn’t go out too frequently and doesn’t need too much customization. Overview:

Present days log-book Manually check and complete reminders 30/90 minute recurring reminders

Get Hand Wash Reminder (Android)

2. iOS

Wash Hands If you’re someone who loves colorful animations, this app is sure to motivate you to wash your hands regularly. The app notifies you in intervals. It can be set from anywhere between 30 minutes to 2 hours. Besides that, you can choose 30 seconds or 60 seconds period for quick or longer handwashes. The timer is illustrated with on-screen water level which recedes with time. Overview:

30 minute to 2-hour timer option 30/60 handwash modes Water level countdown timer

Get Wash Hands (iOS)

3. Apple Watch

If you own an Apple watch, you don’t really need to bother looking at your phone altogether. Before starting out make sure, you are synced across devices. If not, Go to Settings > Tap on your name > iCloud >Enable Reminders. To set up a reminder, go through the following steps.

Open the Reminders app on your iPhone or iPad. Add a new reminder and name it Wash Your Hands. Now click on the small (i) icon on the right and enable Remind me on a day.  Next, enable Remind me at a time. Tap on Repeat and you can choose from the given option or set a custom time, in our case hourly. Leave the End Repeat as Never, so you’re never interrupted.

Alternatively, you can use Siri if you don’t want to go through the lengthy process.  Just ask “Hey Siri, can you remind me to wash my hands every hour starting from 10 am”. You can of-course use it according to your time preference. Overview:

Set hourly or custom reminders Sync across devices Handy for Apple Watch users

4. Samsung Smartwatch

Unlike the Apple Watch, there’s no native way to set up hourly reminders on the Galaxy smartwatch. But, you can always use a third-party app from the Galaxy Store. For instance, you can install the Hand Wash App. It has a 25-second hand wash timer along with vibration feedback. The app follows CDC’s 20-second hand wash rule along with five seconds extra for applying soap and turning the water on. In addition to that, you can customize reminders, get notified for missed handwashes and a watch face that shows you daily wash frequency to keep you motivated. You can also use the Reminder App to set up recurring reminders on your phone. Overview 

Get Wash Timer on you Galaxy Smartwatch Supports reminder and 25-second timer Use as a watch face for daily frequency details

Get Hand Wash 

5. WearOS

If you’re using a watch that has WearOS, Google recently rolled out a Hand Wash feature. You can access it from the Google Clock app as Hand Wash Timer. Simply tap to start the timer and X to stop it anytime. The app has a 40-second hand wash timer which is double what CDC suggests, but I guess that extra time is alright provided the situation. The app reminds you every 3-hours to wash your hands. Moreover, you can also use Google Assistant as well. Just say “Hey Google, Help me wash my hands” and the assistant will start a 40-secs song about washing hands. It works on any Android or Google-Assistant enabled device. Overview

40-secs timer Every three-hour reminder

Read: 16 Best Wear OS Apps for Your New Android Watch

Handwash Tutorial

SureWash Hand Hygiene Now, washing hands isn’t a mammoth task but it’s highly important to ensure that you do it the right way. You can use the SureWash Hand Hygiene app that provides a handwash tutorial. Moreover, it uses the rear camera to assess your hand wash and provide you real-time feedback. Now, this app is a great way to teach kids to wash hands and make them understand its importance. Overview

Gives real-time feedback using the front camera Follows WHO’s guidance on washing hands Easy step by step guide Multiple levels to perfect washing hands

Get SureWash Hand Hygiene (Android | iOS)

Closing Remarks

Remember it’s not just your hands but other things that you have to care about like drinking plenty of water, eating fresh and of course staying inside. Moreover, you can take a sip of water every time you’re reminded to wash your hands or create any other habit that you want. So, this is How to Set-Up Handwash Reminders on your phone. Also Read: COVID-19 Apps to Stay Updated About the Pandemic